Pursuance Health

Pharmacy Tech Exam Prep: What to Expect from the PTCB Exam

Every time you pick up a prescription at a drugstore, you might wonder about the career behind the counter. You like the look of the job. Pharmacy technicians work in clean, bright environments, in the heart of a growing and secure industry—and they help connect people with the prescriptions they need for happier, healthier lives. […]
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7 In-Demand Healthcare Jobs That Don’t Require a Degree

If you’re interested in working in healthcare, but aren’t quite ready to commit to a degree, you’re not out of luck. While many fields offer few solid career options for professionals without college degrees, healthcare isn’t one of them. There are many opportunities to land medical jobs without a degree, and many of these positions are […]
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4 Intriguing Healthcare Careers for Introverts to Consider

Working in a quiet environment is the ideal scenario for you. You’re perfectly content just focusing on your work without a ton of social stimulation. It’s not that you dislike interacting with other people—it’s just that too much of it makes you feel a strong urge to recharge alone. You’ve learned that situations involving too […]
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